Mary Elizabeth Elmslie, 28 July 1897.

(No copy of original document available)

7 Porchester Gardens

28 July 1897

My dear Chris

Thanks so much for your nice long letter which I have been meaning to answer each week. Alec says I might catch you at Colombo so will chance you getting this.

Now look here – you are staying a considerably long time in Brisbane – it looks rather fishy. I quite expect to see the future Mrs C T E walk in with you when you arrive. There is certainly some attraction or else you would not keep hovering about Brisbane.

I had a long letter from Mr Waldie lately written after you had left Croydon and he tells me he is going to join the ranks of the Benedicts early next year. I can’t imagine it somehow – did you know?

We received the photos taken of you and Archie’s house – they are very good.

London was very full for the Jubilee. We had every room taken and the drawing-room and billiard-room sofas also. That naughty Edie managed to get influenza just before so I had to serve for 35 people. She was laid up for nearly three weeks so I had Aunt Nellie and the cousins in turn to help me.

Alec keeps fairly well now – he has had a bad time of it poor old fellow. I do wish he was stronger.

All the “Dapoli” folk, Alec and myself are off to Scotland on Saturday. We are going to “Coves” a seaside place four miles south of Aberdeen. We travel by steamer so it will be delightful. Hinton, May and baby are going to join us.

Now dear boy, best love – hoping to see you home again soon strong and well able to go for a bike ride to Harrow.

Believe me, your affectionate Sister,

Mary E Elmslie