Received 9.10.1889
16 August 1889
My dear old Chris
It is a shame to keep you waiting so long for an answer to your nice letter but, never mind you shall have one now.
As you see by my address I am home again for the first time for two years. I am off to Germany tomorrow once more. I came home the 22nd June and have been able to stay ‘till today. I am lucky in getting such long holidays, but I don’t suppose I shall have anymore ‘till next year as it is too expensive coming over often.
I am very happy in Bremen with Frau Bredehorst and shall stay with her until I get my German quite perfect. Then I should like to go to France or come and keep house for you, Chris! Would you have me? – or perhaps you have somebody else in view!
I wonder when you and Alex will be coming over. It does seem so long now since you both went away.
Edie seems very happy where she is in France. They are travelling about Normandy now, but are soon returning to Paris again I think. Perhaps they are going to the south of France or Italy for the winter. I am glad she has such a nice place. The moving about will do her a great deal of good.
Jessie has got a jolly engagement as companion by Hyde Park and she gets ₤50 a year. I went to see Jean and her baby the other day. Both are looking very well. Jean is looking very matronly now.
Archie is going to the Bakers on Monday. Miss Baker is going to be married. Alex is sure to remember them.
Mama would write today only she and Papa have gone down to Bedford to see how old Essilmont is getting on. I don’t care for this house as well as the Bedford one. It is so much smaller and has such a small garden compared with the other.
They all teased me when I came home as they said I was quite a German. Of course it was only my accent and I have nearly lost that now. It will seem quite funny to get back to Germany after being in England for the last seven weeks. I will write again from there soon, so for the present good bye.
Hoping you have quite recovered from your illness and are strong again, and with my best love,
I remain, your loving Sister
May Elmslie
C/0 Frau Bredehorst
Sielwall(?) 29 D.