Katie Elmslie, 7 February 1899.

(No copy of original document available)


7 February 1899

My own darling Chris

I am longing for half past eight to come in case there may be a letter for me.

It has been so warm here all day, I hope it is the same in London for your sake darling as you will not miss the hot-water bottles so much.

Edie and I went down the town this morning and this afternoon we had such a lovely tea all ready and no one came – not even the Dapolites, and I had my new blouse on and the only one to admire. It was the little boy who tried all he could to pull the buttons off.

We were going up to Linden Road this evening but your father came in about six o’clock.

Baby has been out for many walks today.

A letter came today from the Post Office saying they would see to the letter you enquired about.

I do hope you will be able to come back tomorrow but even if you find you can get back stay up in town longer darling if you think the change will do you good.

I hope your cough will not trouble you tonight. I am going to make you see the doctor as soon as you get back.

With heaps of love and kisses from your little boy and your ever loving wife.

Katie Elmslie