Katie Elmslie, 31 January 1899.

(No copy of original document available)

Brooklyn House


31 January 1899

My darling old boy

Your letter arrived last night. I was so glad to get it. How I wish you could come home tonight but I am afraid such a thing would be too good to be true.

Yesterday afternoon I went down the town, met Coral there so we went and had some tea together. When I came home I went into Mrs Macwood’s for a few minutes. She asked me to go in again in the evening so I did and stayed until ten.

I am going to Linden Road to dinner tonight if you don’t come home.

I had baby to sleep with me last night – he was very good until five o’clock, but kept me awake then until nearly seven, so I feel rather tired this morning.

The photos have not arrived yet.

Darling I would love to see you home again tonight.

With lots of love from boysey and your loving wife,

Katie Elmslie

The photos have just arrived.