27 September 1900
My dearest Chris
I cannot understand why you have not had my letter – at least I suppose you have not received it as you wired yesterday. I posted a letter to you on the 14th, the Friday after you left and I am sure you ought to have had it by now. I also wrote last Friday. Your wire last night gave me such a fright. I could not think what could be the matter. I hope you got my answer.
Mother and Dulcie went to Bundaberg last night and this morning we had a wire to say a son had arrived, so I suppose they are very pleased – but it won’t put my bones out of joint, at least not with some people. The dear little pet is so good. This afternoon was Mother’s ‘at home’ day and he carried the bread and butter around to everyone and said ‘ave some bed is butter’ so prettily. But I had to rescue it as it was on the point of being landed on the floor.
I am afraid to speak too soon, but we have a very nice servant – only came yesterday. She only arrived the day before in the Duke of Sutherland so she and Barnes are great mates. If she stays as long I suspect she will want to go to Sydney with us as she will be used to my ways. She is a very good cook and cooks bacon to suit you and me to perfection. I have turned Barnes into more of a housemaid and they get on very well. I like being the boss.
I asked Mother about paying while we are here but she would not hear of it – but we must do it when we leave and something.
Mr Hart has been transferred to Croydon as Manager. Thank goodness I didn’t marry a man in a bank. But they seemed quite pleased at the idea. He has to leave for there on 1 October so Mother is going to bring Worden back with her as soon as she is able and I suppose she will have to stay here over the summer.
Mabyn and Arthur came back on Tuesday. They are staying with Mrs Jones and are busy getting their house ready.
I have just sent for a 5/- ticket in the Melbourne Cup. Kenwyn addressed the envelope for luck. You must wish me luck too.
29 September
Auntie and I are going to take the boy over to town this afternoon.
I have just had a letter from Mother – of course the new arrival is the most wonderful child in existence. I suppose Mother will say she likes boys now.
I have not heard from you for ten days – it seems years. I don’t suppose it will be any good writing to you after next Tuesday. I do hope you will be very careful if you go down any mines dear, and see all the ropes are safe.
Mary has asked me to go over to tea tomorrow afternoon and take Baby. Some of her girl friends are going. Mary and Alec were over here last Saturday and Alec took the children’s photos. Last Monday I went over there to dinner and we went to an organ recital afterwards.
I am getting on very well. I am very seldom sick and generally feel very well.
This is a remarkable kid – in the morning I look quite an ordinary size, but in the afternoon I seem to increase very much.
No more news now I think.
With heaps of love from your ever loving Katie.
My dear Dadda,
Why do you stay so long away from Mumma and me? We miss you. Mumma says I am a good boy now because I don’t cry and say ‘want to go Mumma’ now. Mumma cleans my teeth.
Come home soon dear Dadda and bring me some birdies.
With love and kisses from your loving little Son