Katie Elmslie, 26 June 1897.

(No copy of original document available)


26 June 1897

My dear Chris

I must write you a few lines to let you know I have not quite forgotten you, although I really have no news to give you. Things are very dull here now.

I cannot think it is only a week since you left – it has been a very long one. I am glad you had a good time in Sydney. Fancy your friends getting at you for staying so long in Brisbane, I am afraid you will have to brace yourself up to stand a good deal of teasing.

I went out to the Exhibition on Wednesday afternoon with some of my cousins. I am quite sick of the old place. We were all going out ???? last night, but when we arrived in town I felt so tired I came home.

I am so glad you are coming back this week. I hope you will get this letter before you leave Sydney.

We have an aunt from Warwick staying with us for a few days. She is very anxious to see you but I am afraid she will have to go away before you return.

I am very cross because I cannot get any of your photos before next Wednesday.

I will not write again as you would not have time to get another letter unless you stay away longer, which I hope you will not do.

With best love

