(Received 23 August 1904)
23 Elms Avenue
23 August 1904
My dear Chris
I just received your letter.
We are all well. It rained for a short time yesterday morning then cleared up. I bathed, it was lovely, the boys would come in, I took them in one at a time. It was rather rough and they both yelled when the waves came, so they went out before they got wet all over. Just as well as it was rather cold for them.
It has been raining hard this morning and no sun, it poured yesterday afternoon.
I had a letter from Bessie yesterday – of course she can’t come as she is at Poplar looking after the house while Elsie and Frank go away.
The boys were very good all yesterday and send their love and kisses – with the same from your loving wife.
And Ken xx
And Alan xx