6 January 1888
My dear Chris
I omitted to give you Edies and May addresses in case you don’t know:
Ivy Bank
May is
C/o Fraulein Sinderburg
By Flensburg
Schleswig Holstein
Edie is very much at home. She is with nice people and her duties are light and pleasant.
I enclose two letters from May which you need not return. Be sure and write to them. They think so much of hearing from you. I am paying for May and she gives some of the pupils lessons in German English.
Just wake Alec up and tell him he wants to practice letter writing to get into a better style and how to express himself smartly. I sent a letter to him to Townsville which will be forwarded. I wrote you several from home. I suppose they came.
Chris Tatham got married 7 or 8 months ago. He borrowed some money when I was here last year but did not tell me of his intention. He did not tell his father for months after and, of course, he was very angry and would not pay the money. But he thought better of it and stumped up. I have not seen Mrs Chris but hear she is a common place sort of person.
Did Alec know that Mr. Rocke committed suicide at Petty’s Hotel Sydney?
If there should be anything good and pretty safe to put some money in for me, secure it and I will send you money.
Give me some description of the climate and country, and if you have a river near you, also if a railway is likely to be laid before long.
I hear that Watson of Sandhurst has said here that the Croydon field will be the most prolific ever opened up in Australia. If it is so you ought to have a good innings. Have you got any of the machinery at work and how do you get on for provisions?
love to Alec and yourself
ever your affectionate Father
Jas. A. Elmslie
PS. I forget if I mentioned to you my news about Archie, but you know entering the P. & O. or Orient service means passing the best years of his life in a subordinate position, pleasantly enough but very unsatisfactorily.
I have a great belief in the future of Queensland, & if you can suggest, what line he might strike out on with a chance of success. I might come & pay you a visit with him. Can valuable land be secured at moderate price [is there a line or two below this?]
XXX 6th Jany.
Since writing the enclosed hasty note have got your telegram, & went to see Wilson he says it has turned out 296. silver & 9. gold of the sample is a fair test which you ought to know. its wonderful. I hope you hold part of it yourself. I have sent a wire asking to buy if shares are to be had, saying I wd. place three hundred pounds at your credit when I heard from you if there was a chance I have money at call at home but not much XXX if you see that there is money in any of the schemes you have on hand, let me know but dont mislead. I cant afford to lose, but would like to make a little more you are now in the think of it, & ought to be able to place something. I will trust to your doing the best according to your lights. I had not much time with Wilson today he was busy, but will see him again.