James Aberdour Elmslie, 29 April 1892.

Received 20-6-92

Answered 27.6.92


29 April 1892

Mt dear Chris

I can only write you a few lines – my arm troubles me a good deal – the weather keeps so cold and wintery. I long for general warmth again.

A letter from Alec to Mater came this week of date 22 February, Corydon postmark of same date to Brisbane 15th March – rather long in getting over that distance.

Tasman will no doubt tell you that I have seen him a few times lately. He is anxious to try and make a business such as Arthur Forbes & Co. has now made for themselves, but I tell him it would not succeed at present. I went to see Forbes the other day and understood from him that Mr Whichcote, who has been to see you at Croydon, has been sent out by him to arrange for the transfer of two claims at Charters Towers, and to visit your district. He also said that probably some ???? would be done through you. I arranged that Tasman should see him the following day as he seemed to wish to meet Mr Forbes. Of course Tasman is desirous of keeping your business in his hands, he hopes to make something out of it eventually. I don’t know what has ???? at the interview – he will probably tell you.

I meant to be in town today, but it is so bitterly cold I kept at home — in view of a long dry period at your field, there will be little work done at developing the mines and in the present stagnant and depressed state of business here nothing could be done in floating the time will come about soon I hope .

I shall be able to write a decent letter very soon, my right arm becomes quite numb at times with either muscular or rheumatic pains. It will pass away I hope as the summer advances, but my recent illness has weakened me a good deal in various ways. Bad results are general after this beastly distemper, influenza.

All are well at home. The girls Coral and Essil go to Brighton daily to school, a private arrangement at Mrs Frank Mackwood’s house. A clever lady teaches her girls and ours.

The season is very backward in consequence of the inclement weather. The trees are only just beginning to bud. We have frost every night.

I hope Alec and you are keeping in good health.

Love from all at home

Your affectionate Father

Jas. A. Elmslie