James Aberdour Elmslie, 20 May 1892.

Received 6-7-92

Answered 8-8-92


20 May 1892

My dear Chris

Not having been in town this week I don’t know more of what Tasman has done than I mentioned in my last. No doubt he advises you by this week’s mail, after receipt of your telegram in reply to his of last week.

Captain Short who you had some negotiations with last year about a partnership, wrote to me through Rawson two days ago asking if I knew that I wished still to take in a partner. I have replied saying that I thought you might do so in certain terms (not giving terms) but saying also things had improved much at Croydon and that you were in a much better position than when you met. I have made an appointment to meet next Tuesday and will see what he has to say and will let you know. If he pays for a cable will send you a message by wire.

I have not heard if Balchin is going to ship for you by the India. He won’t take any risk if he does. Be sure to meet the drafts punctually that are already drawn, you need not remit to me until convenient.

I will write you more fully by next week’s mail, which will be direct to the Island.

Your affectionate Father

Jas. A. Elmslie

PS. Do you suffer much from plunder or breakage in the liquor shipments and how do you recover?