James Aberdour Elmslie, 16 February 1890.



Sunday 16 February 1890

My dear Chris

We are on our way to sea and leave tomorrow if we can get out.

We are all well now although Archie and I have been very unwell, rather a rare thing for him and I but the season has been exceptional and very unhealthy.

I told you there was a probability of the Sydney Government buying the ship as a training school for boys. Sir Henry Parkes came to the ship with me on Friday last and made an inspection much to his satisfaction and I think the way is open for business when I get home. I want to carry it out and settle the old ship comfortably in port for the rest of her existence.

I have spoken to one or two good men here about a partner for you. Probably you will hear from them on the subject. I trust you will have a spurt of good fortune on the field and make some money and see your way to clear out altogether to a more propitious climate.

Melbourne has been a perfect hell on earth this year your heat could not possibly be worse. We are glad to get away and make fair earnings both in freight and passage, and will make a very good voyage if we end it without accident.

If the Croydon Queensland Mine Co. is in the acendent soon sell out for me at even a small profit. I want the money so please let me have it.

I will write from the Cape. Let me know from you early at home. We shall be home in May this year I feel sure. I hope you will keep your health and pull through the steamy heat after the rains.


Ever your loving Father

Jas A Elmslie