James Aberdour Elmslie, 13 June 1888.

19 Anerley Park

London SE

13 June 1888

My Dear Chris

We got home on 9 June after a favourable voyage – having stayed in Table Bay four days, St Helena three.

We all well at home. Edie has come home for a few days and is well and very happy with the family she is living with. Jean is to be married in August or September – we won’t be sorry, she is rather a nuisance.

Edie tells me she has not got that present from you to send. Send it to her and May – as you said.

I hope things are prospering with you. I have not a letter, neither have I seen Rawson yet, but will soon. If you can sell out of the Croydon Queens(?) No 2 without making a loss, do so at once and send me the money. When will your railway be made? – the place may go ahead after.

I wish you would take Alec into your office. I don’t much care about him being where he is. He would soon become useful to you.

Archie has done well as Chief and is going up for his Master’s very soon. I don’t know what he will do after just yet.

The Garonne was in collision with a steamer near Aden. ???? luck two lives lost. When the ship comes home the whole staff will be dismissed for the fault (if it is a fault) ???? luck is the ???? ???? young men have to stick at sea.

I will write you and Alec also next week with more time. Meantime write and let me know how you are doing and how the railway is progressing.

All write in loving messages to yourself and Alec.

Ever your loving Father

Jas A Elmslie

C T Elmslie Esq.


North Queensland