James Aberdour Elmslie, 12 May 1892.

Received 1-7-92

Answered 27.7.92


12 May 1892

My dear Chris

Your letter of 15 March came on 9th inst. – a long time on the way. I mentioned that Alec’s letter had Croydon post mark of 22 February and Brisbane 15 March. Why is a route adopted not shortened in some way?

I was in ???? yesterday and saw Tasman and Mr Stormont, one of the two ???? he has arranged to work with him in connection with your ????. Tasman told me that Bartles have tried to intimidate ???? from starting as he has projected, and said that Arthur Ford ???? he (Barker) would snuff him out in no time. Tasman will not ???? explain further what passed at this interview with some propositions Barker made.

I went on to Forbes office with a view of finding out how far Barker and he ???? together and although the passage leading to his office was crammed Rawson told him I wanted to have a word with him and he saw me at once. Barker left his room as I went in and spoke to me. Ford said Burke did some business with him but seems to be aware of his peculiarities. He said also he wished his Croydon dealings through you and as Tasman had been ???? him some days before, he was aware from what transpired and what Barker had told him of Tasman’s intentions ???? said to me he thought it was a mistake. He said not trading I am r only established, and known, investors come to me ???? thousands, it would be a grand mistake of your son to risk all by doing his selling through men who are unknown ???? to ???? business. I am sure his advice although interested is right. You are ???? study your interests best by keeping in with Forbes and Burkes where he buys and pays.

Your ???? ought to be to get Forbes to deal solely through you, he said he did not know what arrangement Mr Woodgett?) had made with you but his (Forbes) wish was to patronize you only.

Whatever Tasman does will not in any way ???? you, so I understand in ???? case of failure, the only question is when your name is advertised as is intended, it may induce Forbes to seek for Croydon business through another man or the Queensland Mining Agency advertised in the book you sent me.

I am writing somewhat in ignorance of the position you stand in as regards other men or Companies at Croydon. The mines and claims on the field are very numerous and there must be a good many men in similar position to yourself ???? watch any business if you can manage to negotiate the sale of from 10 to 4000 shares a month. When this boom of yours starts to make a profit of one to two shillings a share it will be a more satisfactory business than the ????

Rawson tells me Forbes is doing an enormous business. He keeps close at it to seven or eight o’clock at night. He has a staff of sixteen clerks upstairs and Rawson with two or three young men hanging about in the ante room ready to obey his behest. Rawson seems to spend most of his time there and fancy does some of his correspondence. He still has his office at 13 Basinghall Street. A man named Critchell is there mostly. I note all you say in your letter and am glad you get a chance of making a little money, such as you describe, and hope the chance of doing so may increase and enable you to come to London, not to Brisbane, and start ???? ???? ???? ???? making money in London than in any place in ???? world with good business capacity and industry, with steady???? which means good ballasting.

If I had a few thousand more than I have would be well inclined to tackle this business ???? ????. As matters are here and elsewhere, at present I have no chance of adding to my small income and am of course afraid to risk what ???? not having youth on my side, can’t begin life again. In case of ???? ???? have made the best of such opportunities as has fallen ???? way, and I should judge are now as competent to me ???? success of whatever business you undertake by your application to work. Keen sense of the main chance, and prompt act.

Now the weather has become warmer and travelling by rail ???? journey is more suitable for me. I mean to be in town two or three ???? a week and will do what I can to look after your interests. I intend to ???? Barker and find out what information I can from him, and now I know Forbes will see him ???? to prevent if possible any split about what Tasman does it is sure quite unlikely that Tasman could in any way co-operate ???? Forbes as he has wished to do. Forbes is to begin with a rich man ???? well established in the north Queensland mining business. He would be hard ???? with success, and Tasman of all men could not do it. The man he introduced me to yesterday as one of the two he means to

co-operate with gave me the impression of being a needy sharp unscrupulous sort of man. not ???? ???? I do not know anything of the other but will meet him tomorrow if possible.

I don want to say a word against Tasman in any way, but ???? my impressions, which may be wrong, I feel concerned ???? is an honest man, but I think has not seen enough of the ???? of business in a general way to compete with sharp men and I think Alec would be easily imposed on by men acting with him ???? he was but a silent partner, not an active one. In this judgment I may be mistaken – will tell you if I alter my opinion into a partner.

I have seen Humphreys but once and although ???? ???? ???? Howel who lives here would no doubt give him the money to join you on your terms I do not think he would be satisfactory to you. He has been tied up in soft goods warehouse in the City. Have no doubt he is a sharp fellow. Will see him again soon.

???? ???? know Captain Sharp who you were in treaty with last year has come to Rawson lately and wanted to know if you were still open to take a partner. I may see him by next week and let you know. If Alec is up to the mark and is of great use to you it would be better to keep the partnership for him. A strange partner not up to your business would be no use to you for some time and then possibly be a source of trouble to you. Archie would soon adapt himself to business, and is a steady reliable fellow. He wishes to get a command before giving up the sea, but recent appearances of shipping are not encouraging to keep afloat and he was greatly disappointed not going as chief on his present voyage. His ship got to Sydney on the 10th inst. and will probably go on the Singapore.

We are all well at home – the boys doing well at school, the girls also are better taught than they were at Anerley. The railway fares, schooling and my own 2nd class rail fare to London for the year costs just ₤105 – not out of the way out and out, taxes and keep that is clothing and food &c ???? will come to ₤350- at least since arriving at home last June and now my expenses have been heavy, from this time passing ????knpw they will be as I have stated. Mean time my income is small because I have not put out the cash I have, investments are scarce and results uncertain. I think it is better to hold, business generally and shipping especially has never been at such low rates. The mail steamers taking cargo at 12/6 and leaving half empty. The colonial houses in London have discharged most of their clerks. A good many will close ???? ???? the depression has increased much last month. keep a tight hand on your ???? breakage in the liquor shipments ???? do you claim ???? ????

???? ???? ???? ????