Received 29-12-92
Answered 4-1-93
11 November 1892
My dear Chris
Your letter of 19 September to hand. Very interesting, but shows me you are driving your self too hard and will break down under the strain.
Now your goods are cleared of your hands by the fire. Close up some branches that give much labour and anxiety and do not leave much profit.
Kurner Henderson sent me a note to call today. I have seen the latter – he showed me a telegram saying the bank refused to give up documents according to their instructions. This is the case with Balchin’s goods. Why is it? Is your account in question? People are sure to think so here. Why don’t you change your bankers?
My advice to you is throw up this liquor business and adhere to the mining and machinery. If you break down your affairs will be in a nice muddle, having no- one but Alec to trust, and I don’t know whether my surmise is right or not but I think you are over-speculative and dabble in sorts of risks – cramping your finances and over-working your brain. It must tell upon you.
A meeting of Moonstone directors was held on the 9th – a telegram from you (7th) was read in which you say expended ₤200, monthly expense ₤180. Of course you can’t have spent ₤200 on account of the company as it is not a fortnight since the transfer. All expanse up to a certain date is that of Stormont the vendor. Here you will give a statement in course of the charges I suggested at the meeting that you should if possible crush such stone as is raised for the Company. At same time as tributes and crushing is being put through, and report by cable.
We want a fillip to attract attention – South African mines are engaging the public and stockbrokers at present. You will see the necessity of this and have it done.
I have only a few minutes to spare and there is thick fog – and I can’t see. I will write more fully next week.
Archie’s ship left Las Palmas on the 3rd.
Get a good writer if possible and save yourself from so much writing. A shorthand clerk would be a great advantage to you. Can’t you secure one?
Yours affectionately
Jas A Elmslie
C T Elmslie