30 December 1891
My dear Chris
Letters dated 20 October and 9 November have arrived.
I begin by wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year in which all the household join.
We are well. The weather is wet but warm now. The week before the 25th a hard frost prevailed from 12 to 18 degrees below freezing – the same down here as elsewhere. In London a black fog hung over the great city for five days without a break – spoiling business, killing off a great number of people by street ???? and bronchial affections.
I have not been in town for ???? two months and don’t mean to go without obliged for some time to come.
The Trinity House suggest that I should go on the Local Marine Board. A vacancy is ???? for me – it brings no income but leads to ????
I may have to go up next week when I will discuss your business affairs with the Balchins. I am afraid the old.???? has suffered from the fogs. He is much troubled in his throat, but they have not told me.
We have heard anything of Tasman or Jean. ???? was here Sunday. She tells me he is much harassed ???? of the company he is???? being in a bad way. ???? has difficulty in getting money to exist upon. I dare say you know more about the company???? all I understand is that it entirely ???? of Uruguay investments and they are at a very low ebb at present. I assume has not behaved decently to ????
He was received by us as a welcome guest for two months or more before their marriage and since then has never come near us. Jean has come of late but displayed her want of good sense or gratitude.???? pending troubles appear. She has been inconsiderate and extravagant no doubt and has put him to great ???? and now that dividends are not forthcoming from the ???? investments. He had to whistle for his salary of course.
I am telling you my view of how he is????. I hope he may succeed in putting on the ????. What you have entrusted to him and make something out of it as well as doling well for yourself.
As to myself I hope I have a few years of life given me still and must find occupation so that my plans, though immature, will probably cause me to be in London a good deal. ???? to live there. We shall stay here for the next year or perhaps two to keep expenses down while the young members are being educated and ???? out to begin life.
I intend putting the boys to ???? Grammar School going and coming by train. The girls we have not decided what to do with yet. When in town myself – possibly for a few days each week, I should arrange to have a couple of rooms to lodge in and furnish myself.
I have not kept copies of the various letters to you but I think I gave you an outline of my financial position in one of them. I am not in any need of ???? from you. Use it in developing your business allowing ???? and when you are flush a visit. I will meantime pay the ???? for shipments.
I note what you say about???? and ???? shipments and the action of ???? agent at????. When he is in town next week will discuss matters with ???? Is there any other branch of business that could be made ???? Balchin’s letter so don’t bother to write me at length about in confidence must be excessive and try your ???? ???? take things easy during the hot season ???? health above all things.
If I have to be much in town by ???? I may be able to do a good deal of buying and shipping for you especially if you can do ????
Mr ???? in Melbourne buys all his stock from importers and lots ???? ???? we have for some time sold cheap. Of late importers to Melbourne have made but small profit????. especially when they have ???? houses in the ???? to supply with ???? ???? and made huge profits .
I ???? the depression prevailing in business in your large towns not in any way affected you in Croydon except in cases where stocks of goods laying in hand in Brisbane and are sent on to outlying places to sell at any price. I would think it probable that Gillies Townsville agent must be in ???? state and must have money at any price that other were ???? ???? induce him to sacrifice his ???? interests in the way ???? state.
Your Croydon newspaper has just come ???? 30 December.
A letter from Archie 23 November from Adelaide came this morning. He seems in good spirits. Ship was at Suez on 29th inst. He will be home about ????
Edie is with us here – will stay some time.???? writes in a happy vein they have had great ???? and she has been well occupied. She gets on very well where she is but is subject to fits of despondency. She ???? no wish to leave.
Chris Tatham is greatly burdened by his increasing family. He is very hard up but will not get ???? from his father.
Don’t you think of marrying – keep yourself free to get an independence first.
I wrote you about a young man named Humphrey some time back and asked him to write to you ???? have not seen him since but see his friend ???? now and then shall be glad to hear what you think of the proposition. I don’t know more than I told you.
With best wishes for your health and for prosperity – and loving regards
I am always,your affectionate Father
Jas A Elmslie
Mailed on 1 January 1892. Will send you statement of payments after shipment 5 January.