JAE Letter August 2 1900.

(No copy of original document available)

Telegraphic Address BALCHIN London

2 Fenchurch Buildings


2 August 1900

My dear Chris

I write this in rather a hurry at Balchin’s office so will be brief. I will write by next week’s mail. Noel leaves in the Oroya tomorrow for Albany and Perth. I have been about all day seeing marine men in touch with W. and getting from them some notes for Noel’s ???? if he found a necessity for them as introductions. Mr Spruce(?) has left for Scotland to be away two months he wrote a letter to his son at Perth some ten days ago and also a note of introduction for Noel and his son.

I was glad to get your letter from Port Said the other day and to know you had been fairly comfortable so far on the voyage. I hope this will continue but if you find the heat of the Red Sea at all corresponding to the intense heat we have been sweltering under here it will be hot with a vengeance. Kenwyn is bound to be a pet amongst the passengers. I hope the dear boy will not ???? ????

???? ???? ???? ????

???? ???? suffer from the extreme heat. The wild weather you met with was most suitable for Katie not having been very strong before your departure. I trust that she steadily got stronger and better as the voyage went on. When you can develop the ???? you take on the way out they will form a very interesting collection in a book similar to the one Alec had sent to him. Nothing of family interest has occurred since you left. The chief item of public interest are the murder of the King of Italy and Prince Alfred’s death. These you will know all about long before this comes

I only write these few lines to acknowledge your letter from Port Said and to convey our best wishes for the health and safe journey of yourself and family.

Your affectionate father

J A Elmslie