Received 19.6.1889
60 East India Road
26 April 1889
My dear Chris
I am so sorry that you have been so ill, but hope you are quite well now. I wish you would come home. I have not seen you for such a long time.
I went to Anerley at Christmas and enjoyed myself very much indeed, and stayed nearly a month. Mary and Coral came back with me, we went out a great deal to several parties, pantomimes and concerts. I was very sorry when they had to go home.
I wonder if you saw Father – he got to Melbourne on 22 March. He has gone to Singapore now and we hope to have him home the beginning of July.
How is Alec? Give my love to him and tell him I will write to him next.
I am going to the Tower tomorrow with Alice. Aunt Gussie has gone on the Continent with Miss Dunbar Masson – is she not lucky to get such a nice treat?
Edie came to spend the day with us last week. She had gone to Lancing. Aunt Cecilia has taken all the children there for their Easter holidays. Mother is quite well now – she is so sorry that she cannot see to write to you.
We had a concert at our school and I sang in the choruses. It went off very well.
We have a very nice garden and it will very soon look so pretty because the fruit trees are coming out in bloom.
Aunt Bessie and Uncle Walter will be home again in about a fortnight.
Mother and I send you and Alec our best love and with lots of kisses.
Believe me to me
Your loving Cousin
Elsie T Mackwood
Please excuse the bad writing.