The Hospital
Liverpool Rd.
28 August 1892
My dear Chris
Well, old fellow I must send you a few lines or else you will think I have forgotten you. Thanks for letter received last. I am always glad to get letters from my dear old brother. I appreciate your understanding about the money. As you will not let me pay it back now, Chris, I will some way one of these days, and anything I can do for you, dear, I will. As far as I can see, I shall not have to borrow any more. Perhaps I shall ???? ???? it not right for you to have to provide me with money.
You will want to save up to get married eh Chris? When is that happy time coming? It must be awfully lonely for both of you with no woman ???? to look after you and to cheer you up when you come home tired. You see old man you men cannot do without us, although we are a bother sometimes. Find a nice companion or a wife, or if you wish, have one of us girls out to look after you. I am sure we girls ought to be thankful we have such good mothers.
Archie is such a dear fellow. I had my holidays the end of last month for a fortnight. They gave me a sort of invite to go home, but as I knew if I went I should have to work hard, especially as they only keep one servant now and they were changing her or going to do so, so they told me at that time. I did not want to go home to work, I have plenty when away.
I had been to Mr Critchett to have my eyes thoroughly tested – he said I ought to have them done in case there was anything growing at the back. I had them done and am thankful to say there was nothing, absolutely wrong with them – no disease. All they said I wanted to make them well was to get strong, then my eyes would be alright again. That shows how far from strong I have been and am.
I mentioned to Mr Critchett I was going away for my holidays soon, so he said -take my advice, go right away from London, down to the seaside, spend the whole day by the sea and do nothing. I took his advice. That was why I did not go home.
Jessie would have come with me if possible, but could not. Neither Alice and Bess could, and Mary I would have taken, but I should have had to pay for her. That I could not manage. So I took a week in a boarding house I was recommended to go to at Broadstairs, near Margate. Paid out of my own pocket. Had saved up two or three months pay on purpose.
The house was full. I made some very nice friends and really was only by myself two or three times the whole fortnight. We used to sit by the sea or go for long walks etc. We only had two moderately wet days the whole time. Then I did not stay in, I used to go out every day from early in the morning until about 9 o’clock at night – coming in just in time for meals, out again as soon as they were finished. The food was very good and plentiful.
I had three invitations to London – one house I have been to since I came back, a Mr & Mrs Hyde, a young married couple, very nice people. ???? is not feeling there were two girls staying in the house at Broadstairs friends. One knew all the Elmslies at 68 Anerley Park and the ones at Norwood, the other one knew the Tathams home at Hampstead. The girls ???? were Miss Bedale and Miss Greenhow. They live at Streatham Common and another family Miss ???? in houses belonging to Edgar Hampson. They have asked me to go over to see them.
My holidays did me a lot of good. I feel stronger and my eyes are better. I do not have the pain in them quite so much, and the sight is stronger. I am so thankful Chris, you can tell. I hope they will get better yet.
Archie came home last Monday but is to be off again very soon. He says it is a bother for him to have to go so soon.
They are well Poplar, and awfully kind and good to me.
I am getting on just as well in the hospital and like my work very much. There is plenty of it though, and another thing, the Matron has been away for the last three or four weeks and will not be back again until the 5th or 6th of September for her holidays. I have had most of her work to do as well as my own. It will do me a lot of good, although it is a great deal to remember. I have such a lot of head-work as well as other at present. I am looking out for three servants for the Hospital – they are rather difficult to get good just now. These general hospitals are taking such a lot of them as nurses. A great number of our new nurses are servants. I ???? ???? very few of them because of that reason, and another, because there is such fearful jealousy among them. So I ???? only ???? one ???? the sisters and one nurse ???? ???? only polite etc. to them.
Having a room of my own there is no need for me to go much with them and another I am in a better position than they are, so must not get too thick with them. I often have hints thrown to me, to be asked over to my room, but do not take them.
All at Poplar, and also Archie thought I did quite right to go to Broadstairs for my holidays instead of going home. I had been home so lately and I do not get on with Mater staying there somehow, and it worries Papa. So that was another reason I did not go home.
They want Mary to go out now – asked me to look out for something for he – think it will do her good. I spoke to Archie about it. Mary is very anxious to leave home herself.
No more now old fellow. Write soon and tell me how you get on. Take care of yourself. Tell Monsie he is very naughty and lazy. I wrote him a nice long letter some time ago and he has not answered it yet.
Best love to you both.
Your very affectionate Sister,
Edith Elmslie