23 October 1883
My dear Chris
Thanks very much for your letter. I am sorry you did not get my other letter.
I expect you are having a fine time. It is jolly for you having picked up that merchant friend. I should think that real Scotch girls are rather jolly.
What day does your ship start?
It has been a horrid day here, rainy and windy. There is nothing much going on in Bedford. We went to a concert last Tuesday – the one the Mater sings at. The programme looked very bad indeed, but the concert turned out to be the best one they have ever had.
I have been in bed all day with a bad headache. I have them nearly every day now but this one was worse. It is not because of exercise because I have been getting up at 6 o’clock in the morning and going for a walk, and also taking a cold bath. It is now more than a fortnight since I began.
I wrote old Archie a long letter last week.
It has been quite frosty lately – I hope we shall have skating.
Now good bye – hoping you will have a very pleasant quick passage out, and also get on well out there.
I will write again perhaps.
All join me in much love.
Believe me dear Chris, your loving Sister
Edith Elmslie
PS Write again if you have time.