Edith Watt Elmslie, 22 May 1892.

Answered 22-8-92

The Hospital

Liverpool Rd.


22 May1892

My dear Chris

I am very sorry to say I have had to borrow 30 shillings from you again for my eyes. Ted Tasman let me have it and I told him I would write and tell you at once. I wish my eyes would get well. It comes rather expensive having to pay a guinea pretty often.

Since I have very ???? ???? ???? in rthis hospital. I have had ???? ???? Dr. Critchell five times. I do not have to pay every time but mostly. I would not have borrowed this last from you Chris if I had been able to do without it. I had to pay the money down at once, and I had not got it. Having got so little all last ???? when I was earning any and this being four months doing nothing. I got awfully had up in the way of clothes, and my eyes running away with most of my money it is difficult to manage. I cannot get rid of these spots, and Mr. C. says if I have them in the lid, it is ???? will effect my sight, so I must have them taken out.

Mr. C. told me he wanted to have my eyes thoroughly tested to see what was the matter with them. So I had them done. First of all they put drops in both eyes to enlarge the pupils – I could not see for some days, and then tested them by some machine thing. Mr.C. says he is very glad he had them done, as it found out some things he did not know before – one that I was a great deal more short sighted than he thought I was, and that I had no disease, which I am thankful to say, and with care my sight will get better in time. At present it is not at all good. I must keep strong and well to help them to get better. I have had to have my glasses changed and now they are trying me with one pair instead of the two for both long distance and reading &c.

I sincerely hope I shall not have to borrow any more money from you Chris – it is awfully good of you to lend it to me. I do not get any ???? ???? home, you know, and have not done so for years, and it is hard to manage sometimes, especially when one has extra things to pay for.

How are you getting on old fellow? Write soon and tell me all news. I am going ???? a letter to Alex, – will you give it to him?

Best love

Believe me, your affectionate Sister

E W Elmslie