Edith Watt Elmslie, 10 August 1882.


10 August 1882

My dear Chris

I am so sorry none of us wrote by the last mail. You must have been so disappointed.

How are you getting on? Do you like the Indus much better

than the ????.

Archie and Alex have gone to ???. They sailed yesterday week and will be home tomorrow. Archie has been very good writing, he

has written from every place he could. Neil Williams and some

others went in another boat. They sailed the day before and Archies

(line missing)

They rowed for 23 hours without any sleep. I think that was

because they wanted to get there for Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday they went to ???? I do not know where else. They started

for home on Monday evening and I will let you know tomorrow which will be Friday. It will do Alex a great deal of good. Archie

says he seems to enjoy himself very much indeed and he is very


We have been having beautiful weather but I am sorry to say it has been raining today for a little while.

Jessie and Jean have gone away for the holidays.

Mr ?? I dare say you have heard of

(line missing)

came down last Saturday and stayed ‘til Tuesday last thing, he is just the same as ever.

How did you feel when the Indus was going to be attacked. I have not read about it yet but mean to do so. I hardly look at the news papers. I mean only the leading tract, but I look nearly always at the shipping news to see when your ship comes in.

Papa gives me so much a year now. He began on the 1st August, it is not so very much, £15 a year, but as you have not to dress up very much here it is just about enough.

Give my love to the people I know out in Sydney and Melbourne.

We are going out on the river this afternoon. I have been out twice as yet. I had a good row the first time, but the second time I went was on the regatta day, and I was out nearly all the day then but I did not row.

I am glad you got your slippers all right. That nougat is good, The stuff you buy here is not a bit like it but I suppose it would not though.

Now good bye.

All join in much love and hoping you will have a pleasant voyage there and back and nice passengers.

Believe me dear Chris

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