Dr Alex Francis, 8 July 1892.

Dr Alex Francis


Hours: 9 am to10 am

2 pm to 4 pm

8 July 1892

Dear Sir,

I am very sorry to be so late in answering your letter – but it only reached me this evening.

I have now left Brisbane and settled in this place in the hope that the dry western air will benefit my wife’s health. It seems likely to do so and I have every hope that we shall remain here for some considerable time.

I should be very glad if you could manage to stop at Rockhampton and come up to see me here on your way south.

I think Dr Gibson in Wickham Terrace is the best man to consult in Brisbane. He is a good man on the throat but I am afraid he does not kniow much about the nose as that is quite a late speciality.

I hope that your trouble has improved considerably since you first wrote to me.

I am,

Yours faithfully,

Alex Francis


C T Elmslie Esq