Cecilia Elmslie, 26 October 1881.

(No copy of original document available)

26 October


My dear Chris,


I saw by Edie’s letter (which I accidently opened thinking it was for me, and for which although I apologised she has not forgiven) that you are to sail the end of this week so I suppose you have been too busy to write to me. I shall most likely get a letter saying that you have sailed.

You seem to have been having a jolly time of it. You always seem to fall on your feet.

I had a photo from Ida Reisky this morning. I see she has followed the fashion of having her hair cut. It makes her look so different. The girls are getting up a little play for the 3rd of November. Edie and May are to take a part. Edie has not been very well the last two days, but it is only a bilious attack so she will be all right soon.

Our concert came off last Tuesday. It was about the best we have had for some time. Some of the singing was very good.

I hope you will have a quick and pleasant voyage out. You will have plenty to do I am sure. Tell your father we were all well when you left and give him love from us all. With much love to you also.

Ever yours affectionately,

C Elmslie