Cecilia Elmslie, 23 August 1889.

Received 15.10.89


23 August 1889


My dear Chris

I have been intending writing to you for some time but there is always a something and I am so busy the short time your Father is at home.

Last week we went to Bedford for the Thursday and Friday. We went up to ‘Essilmont’. The old house does not look quite like itself, with all strange furniture and also the diningroom repapered with a cheap light paper.

The Prichards were all away and indeed all our old friends were gone as it was holiday time and it seems quite the thing for people even in Bedford to go away for the summer.

The new schools will be commenced soon. I hope it will improve the value of our house. Mrs Orr is very anxious to sell her ground. I think she is rather hard up. It could be turned to good account by someone now. The schools are to be built on the cricket field. Some one will make a small fortune out of it.

I only saw the Browns – Alec will remember them. Walter B is engaged to Edith Stewart. She is the youngest. He is out at Malta. He was home for a month this summer. Finnie was down in Bedford lately. I did not see him.

May returned to Germany last Saturday. The husband of the lady she is with died while May was home for her holiday. May has become so German in her manner and way of speaking. I did think of sending Mary back with her but Mary does not know enough English yet. She is going to a good school here.

The children are going to Lancing for a fortnight from next Monday and then they start school again. I don’t think they will be sorry. Archie gave them a splendid boat – it is almost too big for them to manage. I dare say Noel has told Alec all about it as I believe he wrote last week.

You must be getting quite good house-keepers. I am sure you and Alec know a deal more about cooking than the girls. There are some good recipes in ‘Household’ sometimes. I am afraid you do not get them quite so regularly now those young monkeys of children read them and this gets out of the way.

Ida Reisky is married at last tell Alec. She was married on 24 June.

I suppose your Father and Archie are both going again in the ship. They neither of them have had any holiday this time – at least only a few days. Archie went to the Bakers at Eversholt on Monday for Miss Baker’s wedding and he comes home tomorrow.

By the way when are you going to take a wife? I think you are wise to wait and hope when you do get one she will be the right sort. I don’t see the use of young people rushing into matrimony.

Alice & George Amor are still engaged I believe, but from what Archie tells me on the quiet I don’t think that will ever come to a marriage. It is a shame to keep up the engagement all this time and then chuck the girl over.

Fanny Tatham is as rowdy a little thing as ever. One of her eyes is in a very bad state and I’m sure she will not be long before she loses the sight.

We are all very well and very glad to know you have got quite strong again.

Give my love to Alec and accept the same dear Chris from

Your affectionate mother

Cecilia Elmslie