Received 21 September 1891
Gulf of Mexico
23 July 1891
My Dear Chris,
I did not take your advice re the B.I. (British India Steam Navigation Company), as I had an offer of 2nd on the above, and all things considered, thought it best to take it. She belongs to a Greenock company, not very well known up to the present certainly, but still a fairly promising one for the future as far as I can see. They are building fast, consequently the promotion is rapid.
I hope, however that I shall not have to stick to any firm much longer. It’s getting more like slavery every day and the pay is wretched. You may be quite sure then that I will join you as soon as you think fit.
My stay at home was short, just a week. I was very disgusted at having to leave again so soon, as Father is not quite up to the mark, and they are just on the eve of moving to Lancing, and I should like to have been there to help.
We leave Liverpool about 6 August. Our ports of call are Adelaide, Melbourne Sydney and Brisbane, and then probably home with wool. I hope you will be in Brisbane at the same time and then we can perhaps settle something. If you are not you might forward any letters for me to Crosbys, Melbourne. I gave the Croydon address to one or two people when I thought I was going to join you.
Did you happen to see Maggie Williamson’s marriage in the paper, and Ida Kennedy’s? Maud is also engaged.
Don’t be surprised if, after all, I do not come out in this as Devitt & Moore have offered me the first command, and if it came before I left here, I should accept.
Hoping, if I come, to see you in Brisbane, and with best love to old Alex.
Believe me, Your affectionate Brother
A.G. Elmslie