(No copy of original document available)
8 February 1885
My dear Chris,
We are now out in the Bay waiting for a fair wind. There is a very strong westerly one blowing now and every appearance of its continuing for some hours longer.
I have not had time to go up and get your photo so hope you will send me one home.
I have seen the Williamsons several times since you left. They were awfully disgusted at not seeing you, but I made all the excuses I could & told them you had to go off in a hurry.
We had letters from home yesterday. Ma’s foot does not seem to get much better and Walter does not seem to have got anything yet.
It seems rather hard to take Alex away just as he is doing so well at school.
I hope that you found everything alright when you got back. I certainly wish you had been able to stay longer.
I must now wind up as we are keeping watches and have not got much time.
Hoping to hear from you as soon as we arrive.
Believe me, Your affectionate Brother.
Archie Elmslie