Received 1-6-92
s s Gulf of Mexico
17 May 1892
My dear Chris
I could not send the wire earlier than this as our destination had not been decided upon. As late as yesterday there was some talk of our going to Townsville with part cargo of coal, but that had to be knocked on the head as some dispute arose as to lighterage. Now our orders are – Singapore straight.
We certainly land our pilot at Thursday Island but don’t stop at all – so it would be hardly worth the trouble of coming all that way.
I have a few cigars which I will endeavour to get ashore and send to the address you mention.
On our way round from Adelaide to Melbourne we experienced some very bad weather which did a considerable amount of damage. The cargo having been started at the former place, what was left had plenty of room to play about in, and to maske matters worse our steam steering gear broke and we were helpless for an hour or so. A great quantity of water got below as a ventilator was smashed up, so altogether there is tremendous amount of damage done. We have extensive ???? and a greater part of this will be covered by insurance but I don’t think that will clear us of all blame in the eyes of the Company. Possibly I am mistaken and may not hear anything further of it, but we are all expecting to. If there is any trouble at all I shall chuck this and look out for something else.
I am rather hoping the Normanton business will turn out good. If there is anything in it when I get home, I don’t think I should hesitate in coming out.
I saw Tasman before leaving and gave him the ₤3.0.0 that you mentioned.
Possibly Father had forgotten it and I did not care to remind him. Don’t you trouble to send it to me as any time will do.
The Korffs are all well. Minnie is talking of sending you an addressed envelope. I find them all very kind and always have a hearty welcome.
Our people were all well by the letters last mail. Father certainly had a bad time of it in the winter, but had nearly recovered before I left.
I got another holiday after our Grimsby trip which was most acceptable.
Alec’s letter and photo arrived safely. I should like to have one of himself if he has any.
I think we shall get away from here on the 23rd inst. so ought to pass Thursday Island on the 31st.
Hoping you are both well and with best love from
Your affectionate Brother
A. G. Elmslie