27 August 1897
My dear Chris
Since I wrote to you to Colombo, your letter to Edie has arrived. The news did not surprise me very much as I thought your long stay in Brisbane had some such cause. I am writing now to congratulate you and wish you both every happiness – taking it for granted that you managed to get everything fixed on the 11th. Hart says he hopes to get spliced also in a few months and I intend paying my long deferred visit to his brother at Reading tomorrow.
Edie will not do anything to the rooms you ask for. You probably will not want to use them for long and if you should wish for any additional furniture would no doubt rather get it yourselves.
H J Morgan has been in but said nothing as to his success or otherwise. I hear from hall Smith that he is asking ₤90,000 cash for the mine and the Croy. Cons. Coy’s. battery. H Smith is amused at the figure. W. Weston, the assayer came in a moment ago, while I was writing this. He is just leaving for Scotland for a month.
The market remains dull, but it seems possible that the attitude of the Boers over the London Convention business may turn some of the attention from Africans to Australians. Croy. C. are 4/9 — 5/3 Jubilees about 1/-.
Our balance sheet has taken a long time to complete and in fact is not quite ready yet. The checking of the numbers of shares held by E ???? in our Coy. has been the principal cause of delay.
With love from your affectionate Brother
A B Elmslie