17 September 1882
My dear Chris
I send this to Galle and hope it may meet you well and though
We had your letter giving a description of your passage through the canal, they might easily have given you some trouble. Things will be greatly changed in the same ??? as you return.
I hope you continue to like the Indus and will be allowed to remain in her for some time. No letters have come for you so I’m afraid Mr Bell is like many more. I’ll ?? to promise ??? ??? cannot do better than continue in the same service and push your way rapidly to the top.
We leave London on the 19th and are very full of ??? doing quite as well as last year .We shall I think I told you that Northey had
gone to Adelaide in command of the John Rennie. My chief now is a Mr Young, a very good man. Baker is second. Archie ??? her friend ????? are the seniors, four being new hands in the berth.
Things at home are going in much the same as before. Four girls have gone to the schools and Alex is moved up in the chemistry class and is being taught music. A lady is to come to the house and teach the girls music. The classes by the Masters are expensive.
Mater is going down to Plymouth in the ship but does make the voyage. I hope you will be able to get a week or a fortnight at home on your return.
I think that Uncle Walter will get a job to take a steamer out to Melbourne from a man I made some interest with for him. He has tried almost everything that could be thought of and has not succeeded in obtaining employment of any kind. He looks and feels quite out of spirits poor fellow. I hope this job will lead to something better.
Chris Tatham has been trying to get something to do but cannot. His father will not help him and takes no interest whatever. He is of an age now that makes it difficult to get anyone to take him as a clerk. I have made applications for him but the same excuse is made by all his college training has become a
I will hope to see you in Melbourne in December or January.
With loving regards from your affectionate Father.
J A Elmslie
(right of page missing)
The voyage ?? & ?? was in the ship these Mr Croall who you will recollect he died a few weeks since All those sickly men of that voyage are now gone except ????? poor fellow the worst last .