James Aberdour Elmslie, 9 February 1883.


9 February 1883

My dear Chris

I will send Archie with this to meet you on arrival in case you should think

I am not paying any attention to your expressed wishes.

Mr Crosby and I are going to dine in Sydney with Mr Jeffray the principal of

William Sloan & Co who has large sugar estates and also stations in Queensland.

I mean to speak to him about you and see if he can put you in the way of

something since you seen to be determined not to stop at sea.

I will see you on Monday as early as I can.

Essil and Dot were very unwell by last news from home 29 December.

Your loving Father

J A Elmslie

Archie only gave your letter yesterday. He had forgotten all about it. Never the less I did not reply to it.