Janes Aberdour Elmslie, 21 February 1883.

My dear Chris

We are sailing from the bay this morning. I hope to get home about the middle of May. By that time you will be well out on another voyage. I hope they won’t shift you from the Australian ???

I saw Mr Jeffray yesterday. He says he will not offer you anything without a certainty of your knowing that you would like it yourself, and propose that

you get the leave you say you can obtain for October months and go.

There is no news since you left.

We have a very full ship and a fair number of passengers and hope to make a

quick trip home and save expense – for the voyage will be a poor one at best.

Trusting this will find you well and strong and all our folks at home.

Your loving Father

J A Elmslie

Mr C T Elmslie

s s Indus

P&O, City of London