Alexander Bissett Elmslie, 11 January 1885.

(No copy of original document available)


11 January 1885

My dear Chris

I am afraid you don’t get many letters from me, because I don’t like writing.

I am going back to school this term, I believe, although Pa sent in the notice of my leaving before he went away. Ma changed her mind however and now she is beginning to say that I shall not come out to you this year, but I hope Pa will not also change his mind. I was first in Robinson’s class this term and so I shall be in Dymock’s next term.

Lately they have made additions to our school in St Paul’s Square, but now they are going to move the whole school up behind St Peter’s Church, and this was only announced in yesterday’s paper. They have kept it very dark and so I suppose they have got the land cheaply.

Jessie has gone out as governess to a Mrs Hart which I suppose Ma has told you.

Ma has taken to keeping pigs. We have four now.

I have six pigeons now, because of course they stopped breeding months ago. They look so jolly sitting on the roof in a row with the sun shining on their necks.

I have the aquarium still and the three fish are still alive that have been there for about five months.

I wish you were able to come home sometimes now. Thank you for the newspapers. I like reading them very much. They smell of the sea water awfully when they come.

I think my mathematics are improving. A year ago I used to take no interest in them, but this term I was first in our class but only by one mark. Legge is second in our form and he and I have had a tussle all through the term for being top.

Mrs Orr arrived home on Friday and returned thanks in church today so that everyone might know she had come home. I have not been out much these holidays. I think the number of parties is decreasing.

I hope I shall come out to you next year but Ma has a notion that I am obliged to get ill directly I go away from her, although often she only sees me at meals for three or four days.

Morris has gone to France for these holidays to learn French.

I will write again soon.

I remain, Your affectionate Brother

A B Elmslie