Archibald Gordon Elmslie, 5 June 1885.

(No copy of original document available)



5 June 1885

My dear Chris

Once more we have arrived home safely, after having a very jolly trip. The passengers were a very nice lot and gave three or four concerts, besides a good deal of dancing. The passage itself was rather a rough one all through especially between Melbourne and the Cape where it was one continual case of reefing topsails. About half way across we got into a cyclone and had to heave to for a couple of days.

I suppose you heard that Uncle Tom had come to smash with his partner. I was not at all surprised to hear it considering the way he behaved on his way to Plymouth last year with us, where he took to drinking very hard. He is at present living at Uncle Robert’s and his wife and child are down at Folkstone. I believe the other two Aunts are in a very bad state as well. It appears that Uncle Robert has been keeping them all the year and will have to continue to do so until they choose to go out and earn their own living. Aunt Bessie is away at sea with Uncle Walter who is still in the Dago and at present on his way to Philadelphia.

I am sorry to say that two of my teeth have started to go. I have no pain from them yet and Biss says that he can stop them from any further decay by putting a good stopping in, which he is doing now.

Bedford is very slow at present, to me at least. There are a great many new people and the old ones all seem to forget me.

I had a letter from Waymouth the other day – he is in Albert Docks but I had no time to go and see him when in town. Barnes is going into the P & O if they will take him. Baker and I will both come out in the Sobraon.

With love from all.

Believe me, Your affectionate Brother

Archie Elmslie