26 January 1886
My dear Chris
I wrote the other letter to you some time ago but forgot to send it. You must excuse my writing in red ink, as I have no black.
Pa and Ma and all the others with Miss Reisky have gone up country to a place called Gisborne, and I am going up on Thursday.
I think Pa does not wish me to come to you for a good time, at any rate not until the ship has sailed. He wants to get me into Rocke Tompsitt’s office where Chris is without any salary for the time that the ship is in port. I do not want to stop in Melbourne longer than I can help, but of course I shall very likely have to stop here a good time.
Mr. Cheyne the post master has been staying with us on the ship lately, and I went out to different places with him sometimes; but otherwise I have nothing to do but lounge about all day, which is rather miserable. I am looking forward rather to going up to Gisborne because I have seen nothing of the country yet.
There is rather a fuss about that telegram which Pa sent just after we came in. It does not appear to have ever reached you.
I cannot find anything more to tell you, so
I remain, your affectionate Brother
A B Elmslie