James Aberdour Elmslie, 10 September 1886.


10 September 1886

My dear Chris

Your letter from Derby only came a day or two ago.Seeing it is dated 10 July it has been a long time on its way.

I had previously heard from Webber that you had gone off there, and hope you will succeed in doing some good for yourself. If you had told me the place you were going to I might have sent you some goods. As it is I must send this in chance not knowing the name of the settlement. If this reaches you send a letter to meet me on arrival and say what I can do, if anything, to assist you.

We sail on 1 October from Plymouth.

We are all well at home. No changes.

I have written you several times since coming home. If you can make use of Alec send for him. He is doing no good where he is except learning to work which is something. You would find him useful. Write to Webber to send him on. I will pay his expenses after, if he has no money left.

Sincerely hope you will have good fortune, and with love to you from all at home.

Always your loving Father

Jas. A Elmslie

I have been away for some time and only just returned. Will write you again next week. Meantime let them know your address at home.


I have just seen Mr. Burstall who goes out in a few days. If you want goods sent on from Melbourne deal with him, he will do all that is right, you may depend.

Burstall & Renshaw, 14 Queen Street, if you think the gold finding is going to hold out. Look for ???? some land near or at the settlement that will become of value. I will bring a letter of credit with me, so that I can help you if necessary.