James Aberdour Elmslie, 25 February 1887.


25 February 1887

My dear Chris

We go during the night.

I expected to hear of your arrival at Townsville by now. You should have got there on Friday last. I had your note from Brisbane. I think you had a lucky escape – the weather was very bad all along the east coast.

I hope you will be careful of yourself and not run any unnecessary risks in exposure. Keep me posted up in all that you are doing and what you find for Alec to do. I am sure he will strike out for himself.

One thing certain I must get rid of our big house and reduce our cost of living by moving out of England for a time. If I give up the ship – which I am inclined to do on my return, I may settle at London or may come out here. At all events my run in the Sobraon is close at an end. The changes now are so rapid my chance is that of remaining on shore and watch the course of events. Something will turn up to suit me. Meantime I have not a large but a sufficient income to keep me going.

Do your best to make and put aside some money you need not touch to make yourself secure against sickness or accident.

Love to yourself and Alec. I will write to you from St Helena.

Ever your loving Father

James A Elmslie


I have good news from home 14 January – very cold but healthy, the children all well.

If you should want a little wine from here at any time write to Mr Cumming at Ernst Di Castella & Rowan – he would be sure to send you the best he has – but the duty in Queensland is prohibitive 12shillings per dozen. The light wine does not cost more than that. Sauvignon is the best claret wine – some of it good.
