19 Anerley Park
18 November 1887
My dear Chris,
I do not think I have written to you before, so must make up for it now by telling you all I know.
We are having very foggy weather here.
Were you not surprised when you heard we had come to London to live? I like it much better than Bedford. There were a lot of fireworks at the Crystal Palace on 5 November, and they had a Guy Fawkes also.
I hope we shall soon have skating as I like it very much.
Did you not think that the photos of Coral, Noel, and Reggie in their fancy dress were very good? I went with Miss Shand and May at eleven o’clock to fetch them. We stood by the door of the big room they were in and watched them dancing with the other girls and boys. There were about 150 girls and boys and ladies and gentlemen.
Christmas will soon be here now. I think the time goes awfully quickly. I wonder how long it will be before we see you again – I almost forget what you are like. I remember that you sent a photo of yourself to Edie and she had to tell me who it was as I did not know.
We have all been to the pantomime at the Palace and enjoyed it very much.
I have no more news to tell you now.
Wishing you a Happy New Year
I remain, your affectionate Sister