19 February 1888
My dear old Chris.
At last I begin to write to you and Alex after having forsaken you both for so long although in writing but yet not in thoughts.
I had such a nice letter from Papa one day last week, and he gives a very good account of both your health and business of which I am so pleased.
You must try and come home soon Chris, because it is so long since we saw each other. Won’t we be changed? You left me in short dresses, and my hair down, which I have not now as you can suppose. But anyhow I only hope that you will find me changed for the better and not worse.
Edie is so well and happy. She has written me two or three nice long letters. Jessie has also got a nice place in the north so I hope I will be as lucky. I have given Alec my address so please both write soon
Now about a little of my German life. At first I found it very dull and do so now sometimes but of course I felt it more as it was the first time I had been from home alone. Now I am more used to it. I am teaching as well as learning, and find the former easy and the latter very hard. It is good practice for me giving lessons as I have to puzzle my brains very much in some of the lessons, but I enjoy it. I find German so hard but can manage to make myself understood, and so hope to know a good lot when Papa comes home. He told me in his letter that perhaps he would come and see me in June, which I hope he will do as it will be awfully jolly for me.
I don’t want to stay here any longer than my year, and so am trying hard to find another place in Germany, and hope to succeed as Fraulein Londerburgh also will help me.
So in the next letter I hope that I shall be able to describe to you what I nice place I have. I want to travel about Germany and see what I can, while I have a chance, and so you can quite understand why I have no wish to stay here, as this is a little country place where I am now.
At Christmas I went to Hamburg with some friends I have made here, and enjoyed myself thoroughly. Of course the Christmas was a little bit different from ours at home yet we had glorious fun, what with the skating and dancing. On Christmas day I received a great many presents from the people with whom I stayed, and also some from home.
It has been snowing for days and I expect we will be snowed up if goes on much longer. I wish it would freeze instead so that we could have more ice.
Now Chris I expect that you will think this letter very short but I have so little time, and will soon be writing again so with much love and kisses.
I remain, your loving Sister
May Elemslie
If I have time I will put another piece of paper in. I must write to Alex now