Ellen Tatham, 25 April 1889.

Received 19.6.1889


60 East India Road

25 April 1889

My dearest Chris

I should have written to you some time ago to tell you how very sorry we all were to hear of your bad illness in Sydney, but thought perhaps you might be going to the Cape in the Sobraon until we heard from Archie that you were going back to Croydon again . We were all awfully anxious about you dear old boy, and so pleased when we heard of your recovery and that you were able to get to Melbourne before the Sobraon left. I wished I could have been with you when you were so ill and helped to nurse you. I do hope you will keep strong and well now, and that you will pay us your promised visit as soon as you can – but I suppose we must not look for you yet as you have only just been away.

You will see by your Aunt Gussie’s letter that she is away with Miss Dunbar Masson in Italy. Her letter came too late to send it by the last mails. Is she not fortunate going again this year? I wish I could get such a nice treat. I have just heard from her they leave Bordighera today for St Raphael, France – stay there until Tuesday and then come home through Paris.

Edie paid us a short visit last week. She is looking very well. She has gone to Lancing where your Mama, Mary, Coral, Noel, Reggie and Essil are staying for the Easter holidays, but we shall see her when they come back as she has three or four weeks holiday. She is gong back to France – she is very happy with Mrs Dalton I’m glad to say.

We heard from your Aunt Bess from Constantinople yesterday. She is with your Uncle this voyage – they are only away about five weeks ???? ???? It’s nice going to Batoum now, but rather cold in the winter time.

Did you see your Uncle Tom in Melbourne? He was there on 22 March so your Aunt Jeannie hopes you did.

Do you remember Annie Bisset (John’s wife) at Manchester? I’m sorry to tell you that she died rather suddenly last month. She was only ill for a short time. The church looked very nice on Sunday, Easter Day. The flowers were lovely. I thought of you and Alex and wished you both could have been with us.

It was your Uncle Walter and Aunt Bessie’s silver wedding on 18 February. They had a party at 69 (East India Rd). We all enjoyed it very much. There were between 50 and 60 others.

I suppose you saw Chris (Christopher Tatham) in Melbourne. What do you think of his baby? She looks a fine little thing from her photo.

They all send their kind love from 69 and hope you are quite strong and well again now. They are all well.

I am going to write to Alex and must save some news for him.

With much love – in which your Aunt Jeannie and Elsie unite. Hoping you are quite well.

Believe me, ever your loving Aunt

Ellen Tatham


Many happy returns of your birthday when it comes.