19 Anerley Park
13 June 1890
Dear Chris
Thank you very much for the £2. I have not put it in the bank yet, but am going to.
The ship arrived here on Derby day, Papa took Coral, Essil, our music governess (Miss Kotzenberg) and me, up to see the ship last Saturday, and we had dinner there. I wish Papa would take us all for a voyage, I should like to go very much, as I have never been. Today it will be settled whether the ship is to be sold or not.
I wish you were able to take a trip home and see us all. I do not think that I should know Alex now, if I saw him, as you say he is so altered.
We went down to Lancing (a small seaside place not very far from Brighton) last Easter holidays, and we stayed at a farm house, quite close to the sea. T do not know whether Mamma or Papa have told you that we have some land down there, quite close to the sea, and it would be very nice if Papa had a house built there so that we could go down whenever we liked.
I expect you would hardly know us now, Essil is going on for ten, and Reggie for 12, Noel for 14, Coral for 15, and I for 18.
Please give my love to Alex, and I will write to him soon.
With love to yourself from all, and from your loving Sister