Received 30-11-92
11 October 1892
My dear Chris,
One letter follows close on the other and I expect you’ll get both by the same mail as I only wrote my last the day before yesterday. Papa has just sent your letter on to me for which I thank you heartily – but why do you always send them home?
Now as to the contents Chris!
They haven’t made me unsettled as you thought they would but on the contrary I’ve worked with a double good will today. Chris, it’s very good of you to write everything so exactly to me and although you didn’t make it the brightest of pictures (which was quite right) yet I still have the wish to join you if you can have me.
Of course I shall have to work and don’t suppose it will be over easy at first (the working part only) yet I am quite willing if I can be any help to you to come out.
I will soon fall into the way because I’m very fond of housework of all kinds and would of course take double Interest in my brother’s house.
Papa included a few lines about Mary and ended up by saying that “Chris’ conditions of residence would scarcely suit me.” He evidently thinks that I live like a princess here with nothing to do and little thinks that I am on my legs from seven to two o’clock working, and in the afternoon sewing. I never say anything at home because what’s the use and what’s more I like the work as it keeps me from thinking of other things. If only the climate suits me which I no doubt think it will then everything else is in the affirmative.
Well Chris, if you two will have me then I’ll gladly come and if you find me a burden then I can easily find a place out there and so help myself. Although Germany is not so far away as Australia from England yet it won’t make much difference to me as I don’t have much of it either. Let me know in good time so that I can go home at first and get my things ready as far as to get a few hints in cooking from Mama.
In the meantime of course I shall give up all idea of changing ‘till I hear from you and will save up as much as possible so as to get what’s necessary.
You oughtn’t have said anything about America when you sent my letters home as I hadn’t said a word about it to them – so they will rather have wondered over it. I was very nearly accepting a place the other day from South America. It was to teach two children German, French, English ₤50 and journey free there – and if I stayed four years, free journey back. Unluckily I didn’t like to try as the children only understood a little German and Spanish so I would have had to teach in German.
Well Chris I hope everything will be for the best and trust that I shall be able to join you soon. What does Alex think about it?
With much love and many kisses from
Your ever loving Sister
May Elmslie