James Aberdour Elmslie, 17 & 18 November 1892.

Received 3-1-93

Answered 4-1-93

Lancing, Sussex

17 November 1892

My dear Chris

Have not been in London this week but am going tomorrow. Mr. Martin our Chairman and ???? both being close at hand are to meet once a week or as often as necessary to settle matters that require attention. Our two York directors will come up once a month, but we have to pay ???? ₤4 each, when they are asked to come up on Companies ????

A copy of telegram from you was sent to me yesterday. It ???? not quite clear, but we understand that you want more money. ₤100 will be sent to you tomorrow, which will make up ???? what necessity there is for so great an expenditure ???? immediately after you take the mine over.

Murdoch told ???? only four men were at work, that you were to keep the on until he came it would be sufficient. We are not well ???? as yet, and having to launch out ₤1400 amongst us ???? the thing going we are not inclined to advance more.

Although Stormont and his friends at the Exchange have ???? of all unallotted shares they have not done much with ???? as yet. You must use all economy and don’t mix up the ???? (Stormont and Tasman) with what the Company are liable ????.

Mr. Martin is quite an accomplished man as a chairman and strictly particulars as to all being done in order. I consider we are most fortunate in getting such a man topreside.

Our northern friends would not be half as scrupulous and precise in their dealings with the Company. Had they ???? but they are good men, keen, and sharp in all business ????. Of course when your recent telegrams were dispatched you were

probably under the impression that the Company had been floated most successfully and that we had any amount of money in hand. This is not case. Probably Stormont who is inclined to be sanguine about things, somewhat like yourself, has led you to by his telegrams that matters had gone better than they have.

has not done much, if anything to bring about greater success. I do not know what he may be doing the next few weeks ???? this, and the other company you have put in his hands, but hope to show more business than he has done. I don’t think much be done before the new year. The general depression ???? confidence in Gladstone’s government paralyze people excitement in South Africa caused by investors???? that Companies they had bought into at a high price ???? or more again since were showing better results in their output stack up. These people rush to sell at the rise.

Your account of the work you have to get through given in ???? letter of 19 September bears out what I have written previously. As to your having too many irons in the fire at one time you will best judge which can be dropped without much loss of profits – especially after the clearance effected by fire.

Archie will get to Brisbane about the end of December.

I have asked Alec to send me your paper weekly. I suppose the statements of gold produced during the month are ???? the warden’s returns and are reliable.

Please give me a definite answer to his.

Nothing of interest has occurred recently. You get the heads of all the news by cable.

Did I tell you that Mater and I went to dine at the Mansion House on my birthday the 24 October. The dinner was “State” given to the Masters and Elder Brethren of the Trinity House local Marine Board. We enjoyed it greatly.

All are well.

Love to you etc from the household.

Your affectionate Father

Jas A Elmslie

Mr C T Elmslie



18 November, 2 pm.

We understand the purport of your telegram of the 15th – it means you have had to purchase tools, store of various kinds, wood etc. I explained to Mr. Martin

is satisfied, and also that you woud not spend a shilling more than was ecessary.

Stormont has not made much way with the sale of shares since last week. Hope he will soon. He is getting some applications for XX shares but the public don’t much like the premium of ₤3 per