Received 23-1-93
Answered 23-1-93
15 December 1892
My dear Chris
Two letters received within a day of one another – came two weeks since the last dated October.
No changes at home – all are well. Weather wet ???? and unpleasant up to date and at health good both at home ???? generally in the country.
Archie is just about due Adelaide. Hope you will have letters awaiting him
Sydney, and put your propositions clearly before him, so that judge and decide for himself without delay.
I should think you would be glad of his presence and assistance. The next
is are you in a position to make it worth his while to ???? up his profession -the contract if carried out must ???? clear and definite. I know you are doing your utmost ???? struggle to the front.
I have numerous difficulties to encounter reliable assistance is indispensible and Alec’s is not all you ????. Archie (if he intentions the plan?) would not only be reliable of the greatest value to you in out of door business from
knowledge of, and handling of men. His business capacity soon develops, his steadiness of habit would place him beyond seduction of hob nobbing with one and the other – as is ???? ???? the custom with you.
Stormont brought a young man to meet me the other day, who had been brought up in Redford Alexander’s house who lately failed. He seemed ready to out to your part, if he was certain of getting employment. I told him the best plan was for him to go out on chance – he was sure of employment in some office, so long as ???? sober and honest. He said he would write to you. He does not look like one who has much talent, but would be an honest plodding fellow.
16 December
18 Finsbury Circus
Stormont reports there is good enquiry for Moonstone shares at 1/4 premium.
The Moonstone’s unallotted shares have not gone off as Stormont and Tasman anticipated, and until you have a crushing of stone for the Company I don’t think we shall sell them all.
???? ???? want the money to pay off the directors’ advances or loans to Company and also the vendors for their payments in cash. ???? given notice of a call of 2s/6d on 3 January making 12s/6d paid per share. We want to avoid making further calls can be done, but if the shares do not go off we must.
₤180 remitted by you yesterday through Reuters, which makes ₤680 to you since 7 November. Of course you will let us know how money is spent – and if possible endeavour to call as little more possible. But make the result of the crushings carry on the development of the mine.
Murdoch will be almost at Croydon by this time – he will be pleased to find the work well in hand.
When you know the interest I have taken in this business will give me your opinion of the real value of the Moonstone block – estimated by competent judges not personally interested is obtainable, I would rely on Murdoch’s ideas given to you ???? when he has been at work for a while to enable him to ????/
As things are at present there if the thing was pretty certain shaping well I could secure a considerable number of ???? in addition to the thousand shares.
I don’t know how your agents here distribute the promotion money and shares between you ???? but my idea is you won’t get much of the money part of the payment present. The company has paid them to you on cash and given 2400 ???? 8/- paid (₤960) – the company retaining the 12/- in these 2400 as seems
for their loan of ₤1400 between themselves Tasman and Stormont are now very pressed for money.
I have been trying my friends here to get a loan on ???????? fully paid shares. Have not been successful as yet. Don’t want to do it any ???? for various reasons; until they get well in funds.
I don’t think your business will prosper, if you could take a run home after your wet season and lodge ???? ????
???? ???? ????
???? ???? is in a much stronger position than your agency as at present. If the Moonstone turns out a success and they get some money in hand through it, and act discreetly they may still take a good stand.
Tasman is so much engaged that his railway companies – one of which is undergoing liquidation and reconstruction, His time is wholly occupied to late at night – he cannot give much thought or time to your business, so that Stormont is the only one doing any business for you, & I don’t think him very talented.
I am giving you my opinion and ideas, but use your own judgement – my only object is to see your enterprise succeed.
Be careful in rendering accounts to the Company. Our directors are sharp and ???? men of business, and will be strongly influenced for you or the contrary as they find. I wish them to form a high opinion of your business capabilities.
As you will see by the newspapers the silver question promises to disturb the peace of the world. The American government are to cease buying – presently – the value will drop seriously the Exchanges with all the silver currency countries will cause a trade crisis – and ???? failures.
We have not heard, but hope that rain has fallen copiously by this time. I am sure you must be sorely in need of it. Rain has been over-abundant here all throughout and this month making farming work difficult Y things generally unpleasant.
All the members of our family are well. Tom Mackwood is in rather a bad state. He had an accident on his last voyage and got some of his ribs broken ???? internal abscesses are forming – and give him great ???? ???? ????.
All write in affectionate greetings and best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year to yourself and Alec. The sky is too dark – can scarce see to write.
Your loving Father
Jas A Elmslie