Ellen Tatham, 27 August 1897.

12 Farrer Road

West Hampstead

27 August 1897

My dear Chris and Katie

I feel although I hope to see you soon that I must write a few lines to give you both my very heartiest wishes for your happiness, which I do most sincerely, and shall be very glad to welcome you home, as I hope to be in London when you come. I was not altogether surprised to hear the news. Edie’s letter contained, as I thought when I received your letter Chris, that you would soon be engaged.

I have been staying with Edie for three weeks whilst Alex and May have been with the others in Scotland. They enjoyed their stay there immensely. I am going to Lowestoft next month to stay with Mrs. Marsh, but mean to be back in time to welcome you. I suppose you will arrive about the 24th.

I am glad to say Alex seems stronger, the change has done him good. I saw Edie and Mary this morning. Unfortunately the former fell down stairs and sprained her ankle. It’s better and I hope she will be able to walk on it soon, as she goes to Westgate next Wednesday. Alice and Bessie send their love and best wishes for your happiness.

What sort of a passage are you having? I hope you are a good sailor Katie. I am calling you by your christian name as of course you are my niece now. Essil] is in harbor. She is pleased to hear the good news. I shall be in London for a while after you get home, and then go to Bournemouth for the winter. I heard from Charlie Shores yesterday, he was glad to hear of your marriage and wished you every happiness.

I suppose you have a lot of nice presents. I think I shall see what you have first, before buying mine, as it’s no use giving you a duplicate.

With much love to you both and all good wishes for your happiness

Believe me, your affectionate Aunt

Ellen Tatham


We are looking forward to seeing your photos – did you have them taken together? I was very sorry to hear you have had fever but hope you have had no return of it old boy! I trust you are quite well and strong now.