Archibald Gordon Elmslie, 25 August 1881

Essilmont Bedford
25 August 1881
Dear Chris

I would have written to you before, but as I did not know where to write to it was no good. I hope you come out to Melbourne again as most likely you will find us there if you do.

I have sold all the pigeons that I brought from St Helena and a good many more that I found here, so I have made something out of them. Of course I have kept the Blues. About a month ago I took five of them to Turvey including the old Blue and its mate, but only one out of the five returned. I think the old Blue must have been shot, as he made straight for home directly I let them go. The one that did return took six days coming home.

I brought a Jackdaw the other day. It’s very tame, it will do anything you like almost. I am going to take him out to Melbourne to see if I can get anything for him.

There were two fellows came down from London yesterday for a holiday and went on the river for a sail in the Dart. It was blowing almost at the time. After getting up to Iron Bridge they began tacking up the River Well. After going about once they made the sheet fast, and a squall striking them at the moment over they went, (neither of them could swim). A fellow named White was passing them at the time in another boat, jumped over and saved one, and when he got up to the other told him to put his hands on his shoulders. But instead of that he put his arms round his neck, and they both went down together. After about a minute White appeared quite insensible however he was dragged into the boat and recovered soon afterwards. The other fellow was found about five hours afterward in about the same place as he went. I was on the river the same afternoon sailing but I was down the other way.

Mr Hoare is not coming with us again he got mate of the new ship they’re building. The Grassmere and another ship are both going to be sold when they come in, so I suppose we shall have some of the fellows out of them.

I am getting tired of being at home. Next time I shall try and go away to some place in some steamer for a short trip. Walter Webber had gone out in the Siam to Calcutta as he missed his ship the Evesham Abbey, he has to join her out there.

I must now say good bye as I want to do some work.

I remain

Your affectionate Brother
