(No copy of original document available)
Mount Park Road
Ealing W.
15 August 1898
My darling old love
I hope you and Alec had a nice trip yesterday. I see by the paper this morning that a heat wave is passing over Paris – don’t you go and get sunstroke, but I expect you are both feeling in your element.
I do miss you so much dear and wish you were back again, the house seems quite empty. I feel as if you have been away for months. It is so lonely without you.
I have just had a letter from Mother – she says Papa was very ill when she wrote. She says she has written more fully to you. I do hope he will get well. I had one answer to ‘C’ this morning which I have answered.
It was simply melting here all day yesterday. Even baby felt
the heat – he never slept a wink all day.
Mary and Aunt Nellie went to church in the morning. Aunt Nellie sends her love.
Baby is very well and so am I except a slight cold.
Don’t you dare to stay away after Wednesday. If you do you will see me arriving with Charlotte and baby. You darling old thing I wish you were home, I would not let you go away from me for long for worlds.
I wonder what you are doing now. I am longing for a letter from you.
I suppose if I write any more you will be too lazy to read it, but I feel some consolation while I am writing to you.
Have you bought the cat yet?
Avez-vous en de sole frite??????????????????????
Mother is in love with Archie.
Give my love to Alec.
I must stop now dear. With heaps of love and other nice things from baby and your loving wife,