Katie Elmslie, 9 September 1903 (2)


52 Royal Parade


9 September

My dear Chris

I have written a note to you at the office but in case you do not get it today I will send this to the hotel as well.

The kitchen sink is blocked up and the water will not run away, I am not doing anything about it as they can pour the water away somewhere else.

Will you write at once and tell me what I am to do about it. Am I to go and tell Oakden to send someone, or are we responsible for it? The grating is all broken and was when we came here – Jane says so. So I suppose the agent is responsible.

Anyway if we have to do it ourselves, hadn’t I better go to Oakden and ask them which plumber to get?

If you write at once I will get the letter tomorrow morning and then I can go about it.

The trap is just underneath the sink where you can see it, but I suppose they can do it by taking the grating off. The grating is soldered on so we can’t do anything.

With love

Katie Elmslie