52 Royal Parade
9 September
My dear Chris
As soon as I got back from the baths this morning Jane came to tell me that the sink in the kitchen is blocked up, I don’t know why it could not have happened when you were here. She did not tell me until 12 o’clock and as it is half holiday I cannot do anything about it today. They can pour the water outside. Will you write at once and tell me what I am to do about it – whether I am to go to Oakden’s or do we have to get a plumber ourselves
The grating on the top of the pipe is all broken, it was when we came Jane says and something has gone down the pipe and blocked it up I suppose so I should think the agent is responsible isn’t he? Anyway if we have to do it ourselves hadn’t I better go to Oakden and ask him which plumber to go to?
The trap is just underneath the sink where you can see it but I suppose they can clear it by taking the grating off. The grating is soldered on so we can’t do anything.
I am writing to the hotel as well in case this does not reach you, as it is 12.30 now.
I had a lovely bathe, jumped off the spring board four times by myself and did not catch the rope.
Just had a letter from Gracie, also from Annie Schlucker saying she is coming
down here on Saturday after all by the 3.22 train.
It has turned out a nice day but rather windy, the sea is very high coming over the Parade.
I am not going to “Kitty Gray”, I don’t suppose it is anything very extra. Edie has not
seen Florodora but I have twice so I don’t think it worth while going to that. There will be plenty more coming.
Love and kisses from us all and come back soon.
Your loving Wife
Katie Elmslie
If you don’t get this until the morning and have not received the other one, will you send a wire or perhaps a letter will do as we can do without the sink until Friday and you can explain more fully in a letter.