23 Elms Avenue
My dear Chris
I wish I had your letter. I had a bathe yesterday with Edie. It was a lovely day – cold in the morning but quite warm in the middle of the day. In the evening we went to “Saturday to Monday” – I wish you could see it. It is very funny – the same company as we saw here last year in the “Marriage of Kitty”
A post card came from your father this morning saying they are going home tomorrow (Saturday). I wonder what made them change their minds? I don’t see any different trains on Saturday, the 3.22 seems to be the first best one, then the 4.30.
It is raining this morning and blowing a bit, but looks finer now.
I must go up and post my letters this morning.
Love from the boys and your loving Wife.
The boys were very pleased with the cards.